About Us
The Osmium Institute is the leading of organization of the certification and distribution of crystallized osmium worldwide. The Institute manages the International Osmium Database and the Osmium Identification Codes. The Institute and its affiliate State Institutes around the globe operate under strict scientific conditions and are committed to sharing information with the press, customers, and distributors. Find out more at www.osmium-institute.com or send an e-mail with your question to info@osmium-institute.com or simply call our multilingual hotline: +49 89 7 44 88 88 88.
Osmium institutes conduct studies and accompany partners in new studies. Information brochures and books are published regularly. Please feel free to download the latest book on osmium as a pdf or also as an audio book in German or English. In addition, the current brochure on osmium is available for download in many languages. If you want to get more information, we recommend the brochure Facts and Faces, which contains the original text about osmium with more than 100 literature references. The brochure is available in the original German edition and in translations in English and French.

Should you wish to obtain more information, the Osmium Institute offers two sources of information.
Please visit www.osmium-institute.com for information on the Osmium Institute.
Please visit www.osmium.info for facts on crystalline osmium.
Alternatively, please call us on the hotline: +49 89 7 44 88 88 88 or send us an e-mail to info@osmium-institute.com.
Corporate Responsibility
Osmium is mined on an industrial scale. This is done in conjuction other platinum group elements by reputable mining companies. The Osmium Institute refuses to work with any companies conducting unethical and exploitive working conditions. Similarly, strict guidelines in sales and information policy are adhered to.
Please find this information in the following documents:
The Corporate Governance documents are also available for institutional investors. Please contact us for this purpose at info@osmium-institute.com or call our hotline at: +49 89 7 44 88 88 88

Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH
Kemmelallee 682418 Murnau am Staffelsee