Rarest Precious Metal
Rarest Precious Metal
With only one cubic meters of recoverable osmium on Earth, no precious metal or other non-radioactive metal is rarer than osmium. Osmium faces the greatest odds of depletion out of all other precious metals.

Unfalsifiable Crystal Structure
Unfalsifiable Crystal Structure
The crystal structure of osmium is scanned down to the nanometer range. This scan is used to identify every piece of crystalline osmium and is impossible to reproduce. The security exceeds that of a fingerprint scan by a factor of ten thousand.

Ancient Elements
Ancient Elements
The chemical element osmium was first formed in a so-called kilonova, the collision of two neutron stars. This extremely rare process in the universe led to the formation of the platinum group metals. These metals are found in the Earth’s mantle in vanishingly small quantities and are extremely rare compared to gold or silver.

The Pure Precious Metal
The Pure Precious Metal
The purity of crystalline osmium is exorbitantly high at 99.9995 percent.

Tangible Asset
Tangible Asset
Osmium is a tangible asset. “Paper Osmium” is not sold, nor are osmium derivatives. The metal is kept in one’s personal possession and control.

Stable Price Development
Stable Price Development
The price of osmium can be found on financial websites on the internet, which is calculated daily on the basis of the harvest rate and other criteria such as bid and ask. In recent years, the chart has been steady and on an upward trend.
New & Non-Toxic
New & Non-Toxic
The crystallization process that transforms osmium from a raw, toxic powder into a chemically pure and non-toxic form was discovered in 2014. It is in this crystalline form that Osmium was first introduced to the international market.

The German Osmium Institute certifies each piece of crystallized osmium. A piece’s certificate may be called up online using the Osmium Identification Code printed on its packaging. An owner may use their Owner Change Code to safely transfer ownership to another person when selling or gifting osmium.

Crystalline osmium can be offered for sale to private individuals on the new Marketplace at any time. The staff of OsmiSafe GmbH will then try to find a match with a private interested party. It is important to know that the Marketplace is already open, but that a real opening of the market is to be expected with the jewellery market starting up and thus the demand for tangible osmium. This process is currently being pursued with a great deal of press work and commitment. A time estimate cannot be given at present. Crystalline osmium is and remains a long-term investment. However, we see a very positive development for the future, which can be deduced from many individual factors.
Join us in raising the profile of crystalline osmium as a tangible asset metal. And join us in observing the international developments in the subsequent jewellery, art and time-piece markets. We believe that the time to sell tangible osmium is when the jewellery market loses its satiation. So let's strive together for a sparkling future.

Alternative Means of Payment
Alternative Means of Payment
Osmium can be purchased not only via Wire Transfer and BTC or ETH, but in exchange for gold or silver.

Collect Osmium
Collect Osmium
Osmium can be collected as Os-Diamond, Os-Star, Os-Triangle or Os-Square in variety boxes. One can also purchase bars free of processing surcharges and exchange them for discs at an institute free of charge in the future.

Sparkle & Jewelry
Sparkle & Jewelry
Osmium is used in the jewelry industry to create unique and exclusive pieces. Crystalline osmium’s characteristic sparkle rivals that of diamonds and makes it an ideal center stone for jewelry pieces, timepieces, and other luxury accessories.

Osmium Database
Osmium Database
All data on certified osmium pieces, including specs, ownership, and transaction history are stored in the highly secure International Osmium Database in conformity with the guidelines of the Basic Data Protection Regulation. The data can only be retrieved by authorized personnel. Each owner can query the certificates of particular pieces using the Osmium Identification Code. Personalized certificates can be downloaded using the owner change code.